Blogs, marketing, and …April already!?!?!
Wow! The time has sure flown by since I began this blog. I was committed to updating it every week but I see from my last post that I have been remiss. For those of you who don’t know, I recently started a business doing accounting and bookkeeping in addition to my current position as a part time instructor for a local college (teaching business courses). Even though the college teaching is only for two courses, the time needed for the marking of assignments, examinations, and course prep time was certainly underestimated when I started out on the business venture. Something had to give, and it happened to be the blog.
But no more! It’s April and , even though I am right in the middle of final examinations and the semester is coming to a close, I will commit to completing weekly blog entries.
I attended a seminar last week at the local Community Futures office. The seminar covered the topic of Marketing as it applies to social media. There is no way that I could possibly cover everything discussed during the three hour session in this weekly blog but, if nothing else, there was one tidbit that I picked up:
Community Futures is a MUST for new businesses. They provide free (yes FREE) seminars for every thing from Marketing to Bookkeeping (I believe that I will be doing a workshop there in late April or May) to Management… and much more. This “gem” of a resource is underutilized in our small town of Port Alberni and it is truly a shame. There are very few things in life that are free and I believe that any opportunity to invest in yourself (whether personally or professionally) is an investment well spent. Too often we make up excuses such as “it’s too expenses” or “I don’t have the time” but what it really boils down to is “I am not making it important enough”.
I am important enough. You are important enough. Make the time and check out what your local Community Futures has to offer.